Never Underestimate the Power of Words.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 Stories Told and Waiting to Be Written

5 Stories told within the last 3 days
·         My friend got so frustrated that he punched the wall. His hand got swollen and we spent the rest of the night at the ER.
·         I spent four hours in this goddamn kitchen cooking for (secret identity) and this is all *** have to say? Next time stuff some of those already made chicken nuggets in the microwave to keep **** from starving.
·         The “tornado” on Saturday blew half the things on my balcony out onto the streets. My barbeque grill toppled over. I guess we won’t be grilling hamburgers any time soon.
·         I call out to my sister from my room into the hall. “Can I get the number for the pizza guy please?” (I get a txt from her instead) “You can’t just come over here to tell me? You sent the wrong number anyway! Wait, you’re missing a number too.”  I ended up walking over to get the delivery papers out of the drawer.
·         I was going through my ipod looking for a song to listen to with my friend to pass some time before class. “Oh, this is such a great song. I love it.”  We sit back to listen. A minute into the song and I had to change it. “God, that was getting annoying.” My friend just looks at me like I belong in a hospital not a university.
5 Stories I hope to write
·         Family Memoirs (My grandmother’s story and my mom’s story especially)
·         Historical Fiction –there are so many events that have occurred in our generation.  
·         YA Fiction—just for fun and more importantly to raise awareness of the dramatic increase in Teenage Depression and Suicide. They are not getting the attention they deserve.
·         General Fiction
·         I’ve always wanted to write a really complex and twisted Sherlock Holmes type story. I love the idea of a good police case that needs the brains of a brilliant but misunderstood person (Man or woman).

1 comment:

  1. Good job here--I especially love the one of the sister texting the wrong number for pizza delivery.
