Never Underestimate the Power of Words.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

About Me etc.

I love to read. I love to write. My imagination runs free most of the time. I find something to write about when I allow myself to wander. To me, the imagination is a writer's best friend.

 In books, I prefer fictional stories, especially historical fiction. My own writing is all fiction. I've been busy writing a few novels that are just waiting to be published. I can dream, can't I?  
 I fairly enjoy writing poetry because of its power to bring forth unparalleled emotions and images in as little as a few lines. Free style works best, I think, because there really are no rules to follow.

My favorite author is Jane Austen. Her books were the reason I began taking writing seriously.
Here is one of many sites:
Though many people might only see her work as simple and romantic, she has subtly embedded many controversial concepts within her works. It's daring, brilliant, and quite educational.


  1. Yes. What a great start to your blog. Thanks. AQ (PS I like Jane, too.)

  2. I share a lot of the same thoughts you have on story-writing and poetry. I prefer to write fiction as well because it's just incredible to be able to create your own universe and control everything within it. Poetry is definitely a very powerful way of getting certain messages across, and that's what I try to do with each one I write. I too have a bunch of novels I wish to write and have published. My dream is to write a novel, and have it become a movie on the silver screen.
